Don’t have the resources to devote to a full-time graphic design team?
Many businesses do not have the resources to devote to a full-time graphic designer or design department. In this case, it is important to develop a relationship with a freelance graphic designer, and here’s why:
Benefits of Hiring a Freelance Graphic Designer:
Lower operational and labour costs: Hiring a freelance graphic designer will result in lower operational and labour costs. Labour costs will be lower by hiring on a per project basis as opposed to an hourly or salaried employee. Operational cost will be lower due to the saved workspace and software required for design projects.
Consistent branding: Shopping around for the lowest price for design and print projects may save money in the short-term but the resulting inconsistencies in your branding will hurt your businesses bottom line in the long run.
Professional materials: Many businesses without a graphic designer on staff will defer graphic design projects to anyone with the slightest knowledge of design software. Graphic design professionals add that extra experience when it comes to communicating your message and provide a polished, professional appearance.
5 Tips on Hiring a Freelance Graphic Designer:
TIP #1 Personality
Interview freelance designers to get a good grasp on their personality, passion and dedication to ensure that the designer is not here-today-gone-tomorrow.
TIP #2 Experience
There are a variety of freelance graphic designers at various price points so how do you choose? Choose a designer with the right balance of business experience and design experience to clearly communicate your message.
TIP #3 Portfolio
Review the designers portfolio to make sure that their style is compatible with that of your business.
TIP #4 Workload/Turnaround
Make sure that the designer you choose will complete your project in a timely manner.
TIP #5 Communication
Establish clear lines of communication. Make sure that the designer you choose communicates with you throughout the design process.